Carousel Anything For WPBakery Page Builder

Display your any content in carousel

Carousel Anything For WPBakery Page Builder

We had come up with an amazing and very useful visual composer addon for you. It would allow you to turn any content in to carousel. You can add any content in to carousel or slider form.We again say any content.

Use as a content slider

Creating auto sliding images (using multiple sliders in a row)

Team Carousel

Testimonials Carousel

Style 1
Style 2
Style 3

Post Carousel

Style 1
Style 2
Style 3

Products Carousel

Logo Carousel

Mobile Visibility Settings

Mobile visibility option gives you full control over how many slides show on 3 customizable screen sizes.
You can set number of slides to show on Desktop,Tablets and Mobile devices.This would be easy for you to control your slider.

Complete Set of Options

All setting options that come with carousel addon are listed below.

Slides to Show‏ - Set number of slides you want to show on different devices.

Slides to Scroll - Set number of slides to scroll when click next or back.

Infinite Loop - Enable loop when reach last slider

Margin - Set margin from right between slides.Default: 10.

AutoPlay Slides - Enable,disable autoplay slides when page loads .

Slide In Animation - Select animation that would occur when new slide comes.

Slide Out Animation - Select animation that would occur when slide leaves frame.

Dots Pagination Speed - Give speed as which slider transition take place when click over dots.

AutoPlay Speed - Set speed for the autoplay.It would be in ``milliseconds``.

AutoPlay HoverPause - Pause slide when mouse hover over the slide.

Navigation Speed- Set speed at which transtion take place between two slides. 1000 = 1 seconds. Default:250

Navigation Arrows - Select want to show navigation arrows or not.

Arrows Background Color - Control navigation arrows color schemes.

Arrows Color - Control navigation arrows color schemes.

Navigation Dots - Select want to show navigation dots or not.

Dots Color - Set navigation dots colors.

And more Carousels what you can imagine…